How to Supply Artwork


Please ensure all images are supplied at 300dpi or higher. You can see the resolution of your file if you look in the image size option under the Image menu in Photoshop.

File Format

Our preferred format is press ready PDF however we also accept Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, jpg, tif or eps. We accept files in both Mac or PC format.


Please convert all fonts to outlines or curves. If supplying Indesign or Illustrator files, you can supply your fonts for us to use.


Files must be supplied with 3mm bleed outside of the print area of your file. This ensures that when we trim your printing, there is no white left on your final printing.

If possible, please add trim marks to your final artwork. 


All files for offset or digital print should be supplied as CMYK. We can also print in spot colour if required, however this process is generally more expensive particularly for smaller quantities as it needs to be printed as an individual rather than being ganged with other jobs.


Front and back images should be provided on separate pages. If your design has multiple pages, please ensure they are clearly numbered.